Natural Remedies

What would you recommend as a dementia remedy?

Lupron is known for suppressing certain cancers by inhibiting luteinizing hormone (LH), which in turn reduces sex hormones like progesterone and testosterone. Recent studies suggest that Lupron may also alleviate dementia symptoms. Elevated LH levels, commonly seen in Alzheimer's patients, contribute to decreased progesterone—a crucial neurosteroid that supports neuron development, reduces brain inflammation, enhances serotonin, and maintains blood-brain barrier integrity.

As progesterone levels decline with age, particularly after menopause in women and around age 70 in men, melatonin, DHEA, and pregnenolone can help mitigate this decline. Melatonin, in particular, can lower LH and indirectly boost progesterone levels. Research indicates that melatonin and exercise may slow dementia progression. To increase melatonin naturally, reduce light exposure before bedtime, increase sun exposure, or use infrared light, which provides about 95% of melatonin's benefits.

Last updated: Jul 26, 2024 14:48 PM