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What's a hidden source of anxiety and stress?

The Hidden Stressor: Excessive News Consumption

Today, news zips around us all the time, ready to be grabbed and read with just a flick of our fingers. It's on our phones, our TVs, and our social media feeds.

Sure, keeping up with what's happening in the world is crucial, but let's be real—being bombarded by news nonstop can really wear you down mentally.

Digging too deeply into the news daily can make us feel more stressed, anxious, and sometimes even down in the dumps. We're always on high alert, waiting for the next big story to break.

Understanding the Impact on Mental Health

When we're constantly bombarded with negative news, it triggers our body's stress response. Our heart rate increases, our muscles tense, and our mind starts racing.

As time marches on, this unrelenting stress can begin piling up, dragging down both your body and mind with a whole bunch of health issues.

According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, 56% of Americans say that following the news causes them stress. And it's not just the content of the news that's stressful - it's the sheer volume of it.

The Role of Adrenal Glands in Stress

When stressed, our adrenal glands kick into high gear, pumping hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones are designed to help us deal with short-term stressors, like running away from a predator.

But when we're constantly exposed to fear-inducing news, our adrenal glands can get overstimulated. This can lead to adrenal fatigue, a condition where our bodies struggle to cope with stress.

Sensationalism in News Media

It's no secret that some news stations use sensationalism to capture our attention. They use dramatic headlines, intense music, and even distortions of the truth to keep us glued to our screens.

But this sensationalism comes at a cost. When we're constantly exposed to fear-mongering and exaggeration, it can warp our perception of reality. We start to believe that the world is scary and dangerous, even if that's not entirely true.

The Experiment: A Week Without News

So, what can we do to combat the adverse effects of excessive news consumption? Dr. Eric Berg, a renowned health educator, suggests taking a break from the news for a week.

The idea is simple: take a step back instead of constantly checking your phone or turning on the TV. Focus on other things that bring you joy and peace, like spending time with loved ones or enjoying nature.

Last updated: Apr 29, 2024 15:06 PM