Keto Food Questions

What's the best nut for Keto?

Today we’re going to cover the best types of nuts to have on a healthy keto diet. To find out what the best keto nuts are, I took the total carbs and subtracted the fiber to get the net carbs. I also put the fat grams next to the net carbs, because ideally, on the keto diet, you want more fat and low net carbs.

Best and worst nuts for keto (1 cup):

• Pecans: Total carbs (14g) - Fiber (10g) = Net carbs (4g) Fat = (71)

• Brazil nuts: Total carbs (16g) - Fiber (10g) = Net carbs (6g) Fat = (88)

• Walnuts: Total carbs (11g) - Fiber (5g) = Net carbs (6g) Fat = (52)

• Macadamia nuts: Total carbs (19g) - Fiber (12g) = Net carbs (7g) Fat = (102)

• Almonds: Total carbs (20g) - Fiber (11g) = Net carbs (9g) Fat = (45)

• Pine nuts: Total carbs (18g) - Fiber (5g) = Net carbs 13g) Fat = (92)

• Almond butter: Total carbs (47g) - Fiber (26g) = Net carbs (21g) Fat = (139)

• Pistachio: Total carbs (38g) - Fiber (13g) = Net carbs (21g) Fat = (56)

• Peanut butter: Total carbs (50g) - Fiber (15g) = Net carbs (35g) Fat = (130)

• Cashews: Total carbs (39g) - Fiber (4g) = Net carbs (35g) Fat = (62)

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024 18:47 PM