Natural Remedies

What's the best remedy for ADD/ADHD?

Niacinamide and Its Potential for Managing ADD/ADHD

Research by Dr. William Kaufman, M.D., indicates that high doses of niacinamide (a form of vitamin B3) may effectively address symptoms of ADD and ADHD. Niacinamide is crucial for the production of NAD, which facilitates cellular energy conversion from food into ATP. By enhancing energy in nerve cells, niacinamide can help reduce hyperactivity and improve focus.

Due to its water-soluble nature, niacinamide is quickly metabolized, necessitating frequent dosing—around 250 mg six to eight times daily. This approach can be beneficial for both adults and children with ADD or ADHD. However, it is essential to complement supplementation with a balanced diet and consult a healthcare provider before making any changes to medication or treatment plans.

Last updated: Jul 30, 2024 15:05 PM