Symptoms, conditions and causes
What's the cause for leaky gut?
Leaky gut is a digestive condition in which bacteria and toxins are able to “leak” through the intestinal wall. This condition can create food sensitivities and an immune system response, causing discomfort and inflammation. This is basically a scurvy in the colon.
Chronic diarrhea, constipation, or bloating
Food sensitivities
Scar tissue in the colon
Nutritional deficiencies
Difficulty concentrating
Skin problems
Joint pain
Widespread inflammation
Cause #1: Vitamin C deficiency
A lack of vitamin C can cause a loss of collagen in the lining of the intestines, opening gaps in the intestinal walls that allow undigested proteins or harmful bacteria to enter the intestinal cavity. So you have leaks that go into the blood vessels and that creates an immune reaction or food sensitivities.
Take natural vitamin C complex (not ascorbic acid)
Consume the following foods with bioflavonoid (the component of vitamin C that helps with leaky gut):
sprouted buckwheat
green tea
cruciferous vegetables
Avoid things that will deplete you of vitamin C:
carbs and sweets
(Note: If you try the above remedies, consuming natural vitamin C complex and the foods above, and leaky gut does not resolve, the issue can be insulin resistance in the body. When you have insulin resistance, vitamin C is depleted by the high level of insulin produced in the body. In this case you should do a Healthy Keto® diet and intermittent fasting plan.)
Other causes:
Insulin resistance
Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 14:22 PM