Symptoms, conditions and causes

What's the difference between heartburn and heart attack?

When distinguishing between heart attack and heartburn:

Symptoms common to both include cold, clammy feelings, nausea, and burning pain.

Heart attack symptoms also involve left-arm pain, often triggered by stress or exertion.

Heartburn symptoms include post-meal occurrence, bloating, acid reflux, and relief from apple cider vinegar.

Preventive measures:

For heart attacks (especially angina):

- Consider a vitamin E complete complex.

- Follow a healthy keto diet.

- Practice intermittent fasting.

For heartburn:

- Use apple cider vinegar.

- Take betaine hydrochloride before meals (4 or 5 pills for a few months).

- Adopt a healthy keto diet.

- Incorporate intermittent fasting.

Last updated: Jul 01, 2024 17:13 PM