Symptoms, conditions and causes

What's the difference between prediabetes and diabetes?

Understanding Prediabetes and Diabetes: It's All About Blood Sugar

The key difference between prediabetes and diabetes lies in your blood sugar levels:

  • Prediabetes: Blood sugar is elevated (100-125 mg/dL), with an A1C of 5.7-6.4%.

  • Diabetes: Blood sugar is significantly higher (126 mg/dL or above), with an A1C of 6.5% or greater.

Sugar, Insulin, and the Road to Diabetes

  • Your Body's Sweet Spot: Ideally, your blood sugar should be around 80 mg/dL (about 1 teaspoon of sugar in your entire bloodstream). Your body can produce this sugar – you don't need to consume excess amounts.

  • Insulin: The Blood Sugar Gatekeeper: Insulin acts like a filter, keeping too much sugar out of your blood. High blood sugar is dangerous!

  • The Insulin Resistance Problem: Constant high carb intake and frequent eating can flood your system with insulin. Over time, your body becomes resistant to insulin to protect itself from the toxic effects of too much insulin.

  • The Tipping Point: Your pancreas works overtime to produce more insulin to keep blood sugar in check. Eventually, it gets exhausted, insulin drops, and blood sugar spikes – this is how prediabetes can progress to diabetes.

How to Break the Cycle

  • Cut the Carbs: Reduce your carbohydrate intake to lower the sugar burden on your system.

  • Intermittent Fasting: Give your body breaks from eating to allow insulin levels to naturally decrease.

The Hidden Threat of Insulin Resistance

Doctors often focus on blood sugar alone, but insulin resistance can fly under the radar. 90% of people with prediabetes are unaware of their condition!

Warning Signs

  • Belly fat ("can't see your feet")

  • Frequent urination (even at night)

  • Brain fog

  • Constant hunger and cravings

  • Fatigue after meals

  • Tingling feet

Last updated: Aug 23, 2024 19:35 PM