Natural Remedies

What's the fastest way to heal an ulcer?

Simple Remedy for Ulcers

Causes of Ulcers:

- Stress

- Nutritional deficiencies

- H. pylori


Common Medication: Prilosec stops stomach acid production but has many side effects, including:

- Vomiting, gas, nausea, headaches

- Abdominal pain

- Increased risk of dementia, C. diff, pneumonia, bone fractures, kidney inflammation, and polyps

Natural Remedy: Cabbage

Cabbage contains vitamin U (sulfur compounds) which can destroy H. pylori, a common cause of ulcers. H. pylori becomes pathogenic when stomach acid is low, not high. Consuming raw, juiced, steamed, or fermented cabbage can help treat ulcers. Avoid overcooking to preserve its beneficial compounds.

Last updated: Jun 30, 2024 18:41 PM