Symptoms, conditions and causes

What's the role of Acetylcholine's in Mental Health?

The brain functions like a complex highway, with neurotransmitters acting as traffic signals. Acetylcholine is crucial for functions like rest and digestion.

Acetylcholine Deficiency and Its Effects

An acetylcholine deficiency can be likened to faulty traffic lights, leading to memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and depression. Vitamins B1 and C are essential for maintaining acetylcholine levels, and their deficiency can negatively impact mental health.

Diet's Influence on Acetylcholine Levels

Diet plays a significant role in acetylcholine production. High-carb and sugary diets can lower production, while consuming more greens can boost acetylcholine levels by providing necessary nutrients.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Depression

CFS is linked to depression, with sufferers being four times more likely to experience major depressive disorder. Dysfunctional mitochondria, which fail to produce enough energy, and viral infections like the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) are potential contributors to this condition. An integrated treatment approach is necessary to address both the mental and physical aspects of CFS and its related depression.

Last updated: Jun 21, 2024 14:19 PM