Keto Food Questions

When to lower your dietary fat on Keto?

A high-fat diet is only bad if you are also consuming a lot of carbs. Keep in mind that the keto diet is not primarily a high-fat diet—it’s a low-carb diet. A diet that is high in fat and high in carbs is not a keto diet. I’ve also found that low-carb and low-fat diets are hard on the liver (especially with lean protein), which causes a lot of digestive issues.

You may want to lower your fat temporarily if you have gallbladder issues or a bile deficiency. Bile is vital to fat digestion. Taking purified bile salts, choline, or lipase can help with fat digestion. Another reason why you may want to lower your fat is if you’ve been on keto and your weight has plateaued. In this case, you can lower your fat to 75 grams per day. This will allow your body to tap into your own fat reserves.

Last updated: Aug 02, 2024 15:08 PM