Weight Loss

Which is worse: a high carb diet or snacking for weight loss?

Snacking is actually worse than a high-carb diet when it comes to weight loss. Both increase insulin, but frequent snacking keeps insulin levels elevated throughout the day, preventing fat loss. For example, when I stopped snacking, even on seemingly healthy options like apples with peanut butter, I lost a significant amount of weight. Research has shown that snacking is a major contributor to obesity, more so than even high-carb diets.

Historically, people ate three meals a day with minimal snacking, and obesity rates were much lower. The modern habit of frequent snacking keeps insulin levels high, giving the pancreas no time to recover. This constant stimulation of insulin can be detrimental to your health.

Intermittent fasting is a powerful alternative that simplifies your eating routine and reduces hunger over time, making it an effective strategy for both weight loss and improving overall health.

Last updated: Aug 28, 2024 21:47 PM