Natural Remedies

Which vitamins and minerals help remove free radicals?

Several vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in removing free radicals:

1. Vitamin C Complex: Natural sources of vitamin C, as found in whole foods, provide effective antioxidant protection.

2. Zinc and Selenium: These essential minerals support the body's antioxidant defenses.

3. Cruciferous Vegetables: Rich in phytonutrients, these vegetables help neutralize free radicals.

4. Herbal Antioxidants: Curcumin and garlic are notable for their powerful antioxidant properties.

5. Fasting: Promotes the body's natural production of antioxidants.

6. Ketogenic Diet: Ketones act as antioxidants, making a ketogenic diet beneficial for reducing oxidative stress.

Incorporating these nutrients and practices can significantly enhance the body's ability to combat free radicals.

Last updated: Jul 25, 2024 14:29 PM