Different Foods Questions and Facts
Why do I not feel satisfied after meals?
Cause #1: Insulin resistance
Consuming a lot of carbs will spike your blood sugar. In turn, your body will increase the amount of Insulin to lower these spikes. When your blood sugar goes down you will crave food again and can feel dissatisfied with the prior meal. Additionally, if you are constantly on a high- carb diet, your cells will eventually starve and you’ll crave all day long.
Cause #2: Low fats in the diet
Fats in your diet are necessary for you to be satisfied after a meal. Consuming fatty foods or adding fat to the meal can make you feel more full and less hungry afterward. Additionally, fats can greatly help if you are fasting, because if you consume more fat during your mealtime it will reduce the hungry feeling during a fast period.
Cause #3: Low micronutrients
If you are not consuming enough micronutrients in your diet, this can result in not feeling satisfied after meals. We need micronutrients to ensure healthy performance of our bodies and for prevention of illnesses. However, if you lack certain nutrients, like minerals or a specific vitamin, and consume a meal without getting what you need, this can keep causing dissatisfaction and a wish to eat more.
Last updated: Aug 29, 2024 16:38 PM