Symptoms, conditions and causes

Why do I have a metallic taste in my mouth?

Metallic Taste in Mouth: Causes and Remedies

1. Zinc Deficiency

- Explanation: Zinc is crucial for taste and smell. Deficiency can cause a metallic taste.

- Remedies:

- Eat zinc-rich foods: red meat, organ meats, shellfish, dairy.

- Take natural zinc supplements.

- Avoid zinc-blocking foods: beans, seeds, nuts, grains, sugar.

2. Synthetic Vitamins/Minerals

- Explanation: Lab-made vitamins and minerals can cause a metallic taste.

- Remedies:

- Avoid synthetic vitamins.

- Choose natural supplements or get nutrients from food.

3. Heavy Metals in Food

- Explanation: Certain foods and cookware contain heavy metals that can cause a metallic taste.

- Remedies:

- Avoid heavy metal-laden foods: shark, swordfish, marlin, tilefish.

- Use light tuna and skipjack.

- Avoid aluminum pans, iron skillets, and tap water (use filtered water).

4. Non-Organic Foods

- Explanation: Non-organic foods may cause a metallic taste due to chemicals.

- Remedies:

- Avoid GMO and non-organic foods.

- Eat organic foods.

Other Causes:

- Medication, chemotherapy, pregnancy.

Last updated: Jul 03, 2024 14:55 PM