Symptoms, conditions and causes
Why do I have abnormal color urine?
Typically, your urine should be a straw yellow color. If it is different, various causes can underlie those unusual colors.
Dark urine:
Dark urine could mean that the urine is too concentrated. This could indicate that you need to drink more water.
Clear urine:
This probably means it’s too diluted, which could mean you’re consuming too much water. You could actually be diluting your electrolytes, weakening the heart.
Bright yellow urine:
This could happen after consuming too many synthetic B vitamins. Reduce the amounts or substitute with natural B vitamins in this case.
Red/Rust urine:
Dark red could indicate blood in the urine, kidney stones, UTI or prostate problems. Also intense running can cause it by moving your kidney up and down for a long time, causing it to have hard time to properly filter the blood.
Dark orange or brown urine:
This could point to liver/gallbladder issues. Potentially it could come from flagyl (an antibiotic), muscle injury, excessive exercise, kidney damage, excessive fava beans or eating rhubarb. Consuming more vegetables may help.
Pink urine:
This could happen after eating beets or come from a small amount of blood in the urine. Potassium citrate may help.
Green urine:
This could come from eating asparagus.
Foamy urine:
This could mean there is too much protein in the urine. It can happen from consuming too much protein, or you may need to support your kidneys.
Blue urine:
This could mean there is too much calcium in your body. It can come from consuming a lot of vitamin D. Too much intake of B vitamins can also cause it. Consuming vitamin K2 and reducing amounts of calcium should help.
Black urine:
If your urine is black, the cause could be an antibiotic called flagyl or it could be the herb cascara laxative or the sweetener sorbitol.
Last updated: Jul 03, 2024 15:11 PM