Symptoms, conditions and causes

What are the potential causes of chronic pain, and how do factors such as injury, medical conditions, and psychological influences contribute to this issue?

Chronic pain can stem from various causes, each requiring targeted remedies:

1. Old Injury or Surgery:

- Cause: Scar tissue from past surgeries or injuries.

- Remedies: Acupressure on opposite sides, intermittent fasting, periodic prolonged fasting, and stinging nettle root.

2. Autoimmune Condition:

- Cause: Immune system attacking healthy cells, leading to inflammation and pain.

- Remedies: Vitamin D supplementation, intermittent fasting, periodic prolonged fasting.

3. Frequent Eating and Refined Carbs:

- Cause: Damaged capillaries and insulin spikes from carb intake.

- Remedies: Avoid refined carbs and sugar, intermittent fasting, Healthy Keto® diet, and benfotiamine (fat-soluble vitamin B1).

4. Referred Pain:

- Cause: Pain felt in one part of the body due to issues in another part.

- Remedies: Address specific organ-related pain (e.g., pancreas, spleen, heart, gallbladder/liver, ovary, prostate, kidney) with targeted treatments like acupressure, adjustments, and appropriate dietary adjustments.

These strategies aim to alleviate chronic pain by addressing its root causes effectively and promoting overall wellness.

Last updated: Oct 14, 2024 21:53 PM