Symptoms, conditions and causes

Why do I still feel bloated even after taking Apple cider vinegar?

Symptoms of low stomach acid include:

- Inability to absorb minerals, leading to deficiencies in iron, calcium, and other minerals

- Reduced absorption of amino acids, causing hair loss, loose skin, and incomplete protein digestion

- Leaky gut, which can result in allergies

- Bloating, abdominal pain, and acid reflux

- Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), worsened by fiber or probiotics

- Lower digestive tract infections

- Constipation or diarrhea

- Sluggish gallbladder

To improve stomach acid, consider betaine hydrochloride, apple cider vinegar, fasting, coffee, and vitamin B3 (niacin). Vitamin B3 deficiency can cause anxiety, depression, fatigue, and skin issues, and stress can exacerbate the need for B3. For low stomach acid, take 50-100 mg of vitamin B3 per day, or more if stressed.

Last updated: Jul 01, 2024 15:21 PM