Trouble with Keto?

Why do I still have acne on keto?

Normally, keto helps with acne by addressing underlying hormonal issues. Persistent acne may indicate high androgens, which increase skin oiliness. Androgens often rise due to high insulin levels, potentially from hidden sugars or artificial sweeteners. Implement intermittent fasting with your keto diet to help manage insulin levels.

Stress can also trigger cortisol release, spiking insulin and causing acne. Reduce stress by taking daily 45-minute walks, avoiding stress triggers, and consuming nutritional yeast.

To address acne, check food labels for hidden carbs or sugars, add healthy fats, consume purified bile salts, practice intermittent fasting, and eat 7 to 10 cups of vegetables daily. Additionally, consume probiotics or fermented vegetables. If stress is a problem, improve sleep, take naps, and continue with long outdoor walks.

Last updated: Aug 01, 2024 20:08 PM