Trouble with Keto?

Why would triglycerides elevate on Keto?

Normally, your triglycerides should be low, but if they’re high, there could be several reasons why. 

Your fat is a storage place for triglycerides. When you do keto, the triglycerides are mobilized, and they come out of the fat cell. They’re there to be used as energy. 

I believe fasting 12-14 hours before you get your triglycerides tested is very important. This way, the test isn’t affected by what you just ate or drank that may have temporarily caused your triglycerides to be higher. Consuming alcohol or carbs two days before the test can also cause your triglycerides to be temporarily high. 

A few potential causes of high triglycerides: 

• A hypothyroid condition 

• A problem with the gallbladder 

• The transitional phase of keto 

• Hidden carbohydrates 

• Hidden fats 

Last updated: Aug 01, 2024 20:24 PM